FAQ about our Amazing Natural Treatment of AVN

Q: I’m around 50 year old male and I have Avascular Necrosis in my bilateral femur heads with diminished cartilage in the joint as well. I live in USA. Is there a way to heal this without Surgery and without coming to China for an extended period of time? I’m trying to avoid hip replacement Surgery.

A: YES, we can heal your condition without Surgery for sure.

We hope all patients can visit us even only for 1 or 2 days, BUT if you really can not come,We can EXPRESS the medicine to you.The alternative way: if you have friends in China, you may ask them to bring the medicine to you(like the African patient who had his friend to bring it to him – he got the medicine for the remaining 10, 11, 12 courses – he feels very good).

You can use Skype to talk us -cn.tcm.academy, all WhatsApp can not work in China now.

Q: Are you saying all i need to do is take the medicine and it will heal and regrow the head of my femur bone and cartilage?

A: for younger peoples(specially children) – the newly regrown femur head is exactly same to original, but for senior peoples because of their new bone growth ability, the new head may be smaller than original size, BUT they will get all well functions – click to see examples on our website

The main medicine is external application, but according to your unique condition, you may need to take some nutrition medicine to strengthen your kidney function, we will direct you after we fully review your case – the African gentleman does not take any thing beside our external application

Q: can you give me an idea whats in the medicine?

A: external application – mainly Chinese herbs

Q: Are there any side effects?


Q: Are there any drugs that work against the medicine?

A: Tell us all medications you are taking now and your medical records, we will carelly review, if any we will let you know. USUALLY not!!

Q: Is there any diet that helps promote the healing that you would suggest at the same time?

A: Yes, we will tell you later – mainly to take some nutritions to strengthen your kidey and other organ functions…..

Q: I saw in the pictures on your sight some sort of machine? is that an electric stimulation of some sort and would that help at the same time?

A: Yes, but most peoples do not need it if they get treatment at home – the African and Philiphian patients get their treatments at home now

Q: what part of China are you in, just in case i have a friend who may be traveling there? Closest big city? My friend may be going to China soon and can ask him to pick up the medicine

A: We are near China Capital – Beijing City – only about 1.5 – 2 hours to beijing.

Q: approximately how long does it take to heal if the protocol is followed properly? I have a stage 2 AVN with about a 15 millimeter lesion of dead bone on the femur head.

A: We need to see the hard copy of your recent X-ray,and you may first email us one(This is quite important and solely for your good) – Usually for early stage(no collapse) – 6 treating courses are needed – 1 course -12days. For late stages(collapsed), 12-18 courses are needed.

Q: Sorry to have so many questions but I’m very interested in healing this without surgery and would love to be able to be a success story of natural and non surgical means of healing.

A: We FULYY understand your worries, all oversea patients will have many questions at the begining. After they get our treatment, they will be happy! Pls join our skype, cn.tcm.academy , feel free to call me if you have any questions – +86 18032911295

Q: Please give me an idea of the whole costs.

A: The Cost is: 223usd /per treating course; usualy early stages(no collapsed), 6 treating courses are needed; for late stages(collapsed),12-18 treating courses are needed; processing fee 1000usd (for diagnosis, medicine preparation,function practice training on video,instruction assistant…) Patients usually take 6 courses medicine at first.

Q: How big would the package be for the 6 session treatment, if we could get it to my friend?

A: about 6kg- not much big – other patients brought 6-8 courses medicine first.

Q: how does the treatment work if we are trying to heal deep bone and cartilage with only external applications? Can the skin absorb enough medicine to encourage bone growth?

A: many peoples asked same questions – refer to the African patient’s response on our website – actually he wanted to be treated two sides at same time, but we worried the medicine too strong at beginning , so only treat one side – TOO STRONG-no worry for the penetrating force!

Q: when you send the medicine, do I need to mix it or cook it before I apply it and how many days per week do I apply it and how long per treatment?

A: It is already paste, you may ONLY need to add some water(we have the instructions attached to the medicine). You just put it into the bag we give you and then put on the right position of your body according to our instructions. ALL the time 24h/day, 7d/week(when you want to take a bath,just take off the bag, finishing the bath, put on it, one treating course 12 days)

Q: It’s kind of expensive so would you mind if I speak or contact another patient who has had success?

A: All is exact same – for Chinese patients and for oversea patients,but Chinese patients can use their Insurance, unfortunately, no oversea Insurance available for oversea friends at this moment.

Q: did you say $1000 processing fee? What is that for?

A: all processes of diagnosis,medicine preparation,function practice training on video,instruction assistant, follow up services…

Q: Would it be possible to get the medicine to a hotel where my friend will live? or a company which my friend works for in China?

A: We can deliver it to a hotel or an office in China

(But you should first send us the X-ray imagines and make the payment. We need little time to make the diagnosis and then the herb formula for you,and make all ready and deliver it to the place which you indicated.Please well arrange the time schedule)

Q: how do you normally handle the payment? How do I get you the money?

A: Through Bank Account transfer or Western Union

Q: do I keep movement in my legs and hips while doing the therapy? Meaning, do I try not to walk on it or use crutches or walk around and stretch and keep it mobile? I don’t use crutches right now.

A: After you use our medicine, YOU HAVE TO USE CRUTCH ALL THE TIME ONCE YOU LEAVE YOUR BED,because the new bone can not bear weight until the bones fully developed. Otherwise you will damage the new bones, right? Using the crutch, you can walk… EACH day you should follow our instructions to do function practices (about 1h in morning and 1h in afternooon), We will let you know details later.

Q: Can I set up a phone call with you?

A: Yes, through Skype: cn.tcm.academy or call +86 18032911925

Q: Do you know if the medicine is banned from being brought into the US? even for personal use? I don’t want to put my friend in an awkward position or get him into any trouble by asking him to go through customs with an illegal substance.

6 Kg is easy enough to carry but i would imagine it will be checked when he goes through customs. My doctor friend said she has brought things into the US through customs but when asked she just said it was green tea.

A: our pharmacy confirmed that our Medicine does not contain illegal components(ingredients) to USA CUSTOMS.

Q: Can you tell me approximately how many patients have you treated successfully for AVN with this medicine or therapy?

A: so far, two oversea patients are under treatment, before one Germany and one Japan patient got treatment. Numerous Chinese patients got this treatment and recovered already.

We fully understand your worries, but like the African and Philipphian patients who are still under treatment at home now, you will be happy after the treatment

Q: Can you put me in touch with any of the patients who have done the treatment and would be willing to speak or communicate with me to tell me there experience?

A: All patients keep their privacy and do not want us to release their contact information, but if you visit our hospital, you will see our patients in hospital now and see the amazing effects in person